Autor Rey, Darío R.1
1 Director of the Pulmonology Specialization Career, Faculty of Medicine, UBA (University of Buenos Aires)
Correspondencia : Darío R. Rey. E-mail:
possibility that drugs or monoclonal antibodies used in the treatment of
different diseases can cause a sarcoidosis-like syndrome has been known for
more than 20 years.
lines of evidence have suggested that certain workplaces are associated with
the risk of sarcoidosis.
sarcoidosis, different exposures may be related to visceral involvement. The
condition has more than one cause and brings about phenomena that are
different from the disease or phenotype.
one condition that most closely resembles it out of all occupational lung
diseases is berylliosis.
the cause is of occupational origin, its recognition is essential to allow
effective treatment by removing the affected worker from the exposure and to
establish an intervention aimed at primary prevention through sections
specialized in industrial hygiene and security.
in view of the aforesaid, sarcoidosis should be considered a syndrome with
numerous probable etiological factors, to which both the phenotype and
individual susceptibility to a specific noxious agent must be associated.
on all that has been stated, cases are periodically published in which the
clinical and histological picture of epithelioid non-caseating granuloma found
in biopsies is linked to a particular environmental and/or occupational risk.
words: Sarcoidosis,
Environmental Hazards, Occupational Risks
conocida desde hace más de 20 años, la posibilidad que
fármacos o anticuerpos monoclonales utilizados en el tratamiento de
diferentes enfermedades, pueden ocasionar la aparición de un síndrome
símil Sarcoidosis.
líneas de evidencia han sugerido que determinados lugares de trabajo
están asociados con el riesgo de Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis, diferentes exposiciones pueden estar relacionadas con otros compromisos
viscerales. La afección presenta más de una causa y provocar
fenómenos disímiles de la enfermedad o fenotipo
las enfermedades ocupacionales de pulmón, la que más se asemeja
es la Beriliosis.
la causa es de origen laboral, su reconocimiento es primordial para admitir un
tratamiento eficaz mediante el retiro del trabajador afectado de la
exposición y para establecer una intervención dirigida a la
prevención primaria mediante las secciones especializadas en seguridad
e higiene industrial.
lo tanto y por lo expuesto, hay que considerar que la Sarcoidosis es un
síndrome con cuantiosos factores etiológicos probables, a lo que
hay que asociar tanto el fenotipo como la susceptibilidad individual ante una
noxa determinada.
razón de lo manifestado, ello hace que en forma periódica se
publiquen casos en los que la clínica y el cuadro histológico de
granuloma epitelioide no caseoso hallado en biopsias, se vincule a un
determinado riesgo ambiental y/o laboral.
clave: Sarcoidosis,
Riesgos ambientales, Riesgos laborales
Received: 28/07/2023
Accepted: 18/10/2023
is a condition of unknown etiology that could be defined as “characterized
by the presence in all affected organs and tissues of non-caseating epithelioid
granulomas that evolve either to resolution or conversion into hyaline
cartilage.” In general, it presents various nonspecific symptoms, and is
often confined to the skin, lungs, or lymph nodes, being able to affect any
organ in the body.1
more than 20 years now, it has been known that drugs or monoclonal antibodies
used in the treatment of different diseases can cause the appearance of a
sarcoidosis-like syndrome. Although its presence is exceptional, it should be
considered when prescribing said agents, and the literature is being constantly
updated with these examples.2-
the last 10 years, the fact that there is no single cause for this syndrome has
been unquestionably accepted. Possibly any antigen in a susceptible
individual can trigger the characteristic granulomatous inflammation, to which
individual genetics and exposure in the work environment add as risks.
in many cases it is impossible to find a causal factor, more and more examples
are being published that sarcoidosis can occur in work environments where
there is exposure to both unusual antigens and inorganic triggering factors,
thus eliciting an exaggerated immune reaction. It is likely that this syndrome
has more than one originating cause.
correct pathogenesis of sarcoidosis is unknown. Sharing the concepts from
It is unknown whether these environmental and/or occupational exposures are
actually causing sarcoidosis, making the immune system more prone to its development.
Producing exacerbation of sub-clinical cases of sarcoidosis.
Causing a granulomatous condition other than sarcoidosis.
includes possible exposure to infectious agents such as mycobacteria,
Cutibacterium acnes (a Gram-positive skin commensal bacterium), as well as
non-infectious environmental exposures, including inhalation of bioaerosols,
combustion products, and metallic particles.
(Be) is a mineral subjected to a processing procedure into alloys, oxides,
metal, and composite materials. Its main applications are found in
telecommunications, computers, aerospace industry, automotive electronics, and
defense atomic equipment or weapons.7
inhalation of large amounts of Be causes a chemical pneumonia known as acute
berylliosis. Quoting Middleton, in 1943, the first observations of this entity
were reported in the United States in workers extracting Be oxide. In their
report, the physicians who reported these cases were not convinced about the
role of the mineral, but by 1945, they had identified 170 cases of acute Be
poisoning, which they associated with skin ulcers and pneumonitis, including 5
in safety and hygiene led to this clinical form of berylliosis declining in the
United States, with 53 cases reported in 1947, 28 the following year, and only
1 case found in 1949.
1950, a committee of American experts recommended safe levels of Be in the
workplace, ceasing to be a problem in this nation.8
chronic form of berylliosis is possibly the one that most closely mimics
sarcoidosis of unknown cause. Thus, on clinical suspicion of this condition,
data of exposure to Be are collected in order to rule out or confirm the
occupational etiology.
gather possible observations of chronic berylliosis, a case registry was
developed, establishing 6 criteria for its recognition and inclusion: four
regarding the existence of a chronic pulmonary process and two concerning
exposures to the material, in addition to obtaining high levels of Be in
biopsied tissues.
of chronic lung disease was based on clinical symptoms, chest X-rays, lung
function tests, or pathology. In contrast to sarcoidosis, it occasionally
presents with joint symptoms. It has a long latency period: an average of 5-15
years (1-30 years). The medical record is variable; some cases remain stable,
others experience recurrence and remission, and in some cases, the disease has
a progressive nature.
at risk of exposure to Be were those involved in its extraction, production, and
maintenance; in facilities producing metallic Be and alloys or powder from the
mineral; in smelting factories; and in plants processing Be powder. Hazardous
tasks included grinding or rubbing materials containing Be, welding or melting
such materials; laser cutting, dental laboratory operations, heat treatment of
alloys, and chemical grinding of Be.9
first description of chronic berylliosis as an occupational disease was
provided by Hardy and Tabershaw, who published a series of 16 cases occurring
in a fluorescent tube factory. Henneberger et al estimate that around 134,000
workers in the United States are currently exposed to Be. The number of
individuals exposed at some point is presumably much higher.
the immunological mechanisms of chronic berylliosis have become clearer, tests
of hypersensitivity to Be have played an important role in the diagnosis of
the occupational disease. In the 1970s, lymphocyte proliferation tests (LPTs)
sensitized in vitro to beryllium sulfate were developed. These tests were used
to confirm exposure to the mineral. In the 1980s, studies with LPTs were
extended to cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).10-14
et al screened the personnel at a Be machining facility twice a year, and also
the new employees who were evaluated within 3 months of their date of
235 employees examined between 1995 and 1997, 6.4% had shown abnormal LPT
results, indicating sensitization to Be, and 9 individuals had chronic
berylliosis. Within 3 months of initial exposure, 4 out of 15 new hires were
similarly diagnosed.
the 187 individuals who participated in biannual evaluations, 7 had developed
sensitization or chronic beryllium disease, increasing the overall rate to
9.4% (22 out of 235).
LPTs should be used in monitoring beryllium disease to detect new cases or
individuals sensitized and affected by the condition, which can occur within 50
days following initial exposure in the workplace.15
an excellent review of the topic, this author considers the test to have
undergone sufficient field experience and practice, providing the following
The LPT identifies sensitization to Be and chronic berylliosis before
any other clinical test.
Chronic cases identified by the test are clinically significant.
Individuals identified by the LPT without clinical evidence will continue
evolving and require steroid treatment to prevent disease progression.
The test can be used to correct misdiagnoses and optimize clinical diagnostic
It can be used to detect exposed workers because it is specific, sensitive,
and has high positive and negative predictive values for chronic berylliosis.
In the investigated workforce, the LPT has identified beryllium sensitization
and chronic berylliosis not manifested by conventional screening measures.
Worker populations delineated by the test can help clarify the role of the
inflammation in the genesis of occupational lung disease and the genetics of
experiments confirmed not only the capacity of the Be to stimulate a
cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction but also the deposit of Be-sensitive
CD4+ T lymphocytes in the area of disease activity.
discussed in the work of Oliver and Zarnke, using in vitro LPTs to detect
sensitization to inorganic antigens, which can be Be, metals, or silica, can be
highly useful in revealing differences in immunoreactivity in cases of
occupational sarcoidosis compared to controls, suggesting that LPTs may be
useful in diagnosing work-related diseases.17
chest computed tomography (CT) allows for substantial findings in the mediastinum
and lung parenchyma, playing an important role in the diagnosis, evaluation,
and monitoring of patients with chronic berylliosis. Its importance lies in
accurately locating and assessing the extent of lesions.18,19
its prevalence, the health effects related to the mineral may be unknown,
either because workers are unaware of the danger posed by the exposure or
because doctors do not recognize the occupational disease. Cases of berylliosis
have been published and reported worldwide in many nations.20- 23
Chronic berylliosis is the occupational condition most similar to sarcoidosis.
When sarcoidosis is suspected, the differential diagnosis should always include
occupational disease, which can be then excluded through targeted questioning
and the LPT.
time after the massive exposure to dust and construction debris related to the
tragic attack of September 11, 2001, annual radiological check-ups in New York
City Firefighters (FDNY) showed an increase in intrathoracic adenopathies, with
subsequent histological samples confirming a higher incidence of sarcoidosis.
This increase was greater than that observed in cohorts of individuals that did
not belong to the WTC (with similar sex, age, and race). The average annual
incidence rose from 15/100,000 in the 15 years prior to the tragic event to
85/100,000 in 2002, stabilizing at 25/100,000 after that year.24, 25
cases of sarcoidosis prior to September 11 within the FDNY cohort, those with
newly diagnosed syndrome after that event were more likely to have new symptoms
of asthma and bronchial hyperreactivity. Hena et al extensively determined the
clinical course of sarcoidosis following September 11 in the FDNY cohort both
at the time of diagnosis and in 2015. All had pulmonary involvement at the time
of diagnosis, with most having disease-related radiological findings in stages
I and II. Nearly 50% experienced resolution of intrathoracic involvement in the
8 to 10 years following. Lung function values were within normal limits for
most, with few changes over time and not corresponding to radiographic disease
patterns. Extrapulmonary involvement periodically increased from diagnosis to
follow-up, with cardiac and osteoarticular involvement being the most
prevalent. It is unclear whether the increased prevalence of cardiac injury was
solely due to WTC exposure or if it was due to improved monitoring. An argument
in favor of surveillance standards is that all individuals in the cohort
underwent screening tests for cardiac sarcoidosis, including magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). This study was much more sensitive than ECG and/or
echocardiograms, which failed to detect half of the patients with cardiovascular
involvement. Considering the clinical severity of this localization and the
fact that it can be fatal, their findings need complex cardiac tests that can
save lives in asymptomatic patients, especially those with public safety
a case-control publication based on the degree of exposure at the WTC,
considering age, sex, and race, Cleven et al identified 17 unique HLA (human
leukocyte antigen) and non-HLA genetic variants associated with chromosomes 1
and 6 in FDNY individuals with sarcoidosis following September 11. Although the
prototype used was small for the sarcoidosis cohort of the FDNY to associate
with extrathoracic sarcoidosis phenotypes, they found several biological
variations related to extrapulmonary localization. More extensive genetic
studies of other WTC cohorts are required to better understand these genetic
represent a new field of research and measure 1-100 nanometers (one-billionth
of a meter). In medicine, they are used for the diagnosis and treatment of
diseases, as well as to fight antibiotic-resistant infections and to transport
other substances to certain parts of the body so that drugs reach target cells
in greater quantities and reduce the drug’s side effects on other organs.
it is not easy to differentiate the toxicity of the drug from that caused by
NPs. They are used to improve the treatments and comfort of patients suffering
from breast cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple sclerosis, hypercholesterolemia,
asthma, and kidney diseases.
are not harmless. They have exposed their ability to cause illness to workers
in factories that use this technology. Known risks include severe lung damage,
while cytological studies show genetic damage to DNA, release of free radicals,
granulomas, pulmonary fibrosis, and increased macrophage function.
work of Song et al urges that as NPs become widespread in industrial production,
attention should be paid to pulmonary and/or pleural diseases of occupational
suspicion. In accordance with prevention, measures should be taken to protect
workers and provide medical surveillance to their possible health consequences,
given that, until now, it is known that NPs remain indestructible in the
pleuropulmonary parenchyma.29,
inhalation of metallic dust or fumes can cause a disease that mimics
sarcoidosis. Metals that have antigenic properties and cause the formation of
granulomas include barium, aluminum, Be, gold, cobalt, copper, zirconium,
titanium, and rare earths.
earths are minerals composed of certain elements characterized by their
electrical and magnetic properties.
are widely used in the industry (manufacture of turbines, electric and hybrid
cars, etc.) and in the production of computers, laser devices, televisions,
anamnesis and environmental exposure are essential for linking these metals to
a supposedly idiopathic disease.
2006, Laney et al investigated sarcoidosis among office workers in a water
damaged building. During the investigation, they found a high index of asthma
and bronchial hyperreactivity. The search for sarcoidosis and asthma was conducted
through clinical examination, functional tests, and a health questionnaire.
Prevalence rates were compared with the Building Assessment and Survey
Evaluation (BASE) study and the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES), and 6 cases of sarcoidosis were identified. The prevalence of
sarcoidosis in construction is high (2,206 cases per 100,000 inhabitants)
compared to the estimated prevalence in the US (40 cases/100,000).31
et al investigated the tendency of the incidence of sarcoidosis in a cohort of
Navy personnel and assessed its potential relationship with the work.
determined incidence rates in hospital admissions for Caucasian and African
American male personnel on active duty between 1975- 2001. This included
potential exposure to several substances, including non-skid coatings used on
ship decks that can be aerosolized upon removal. Particles with silicates,
titanium, and aluminum were identified in non-skid samples. Improvements were
made in personal protective equipment and other instructions were given to
prevent or limit respiratory exposures.
results revealed overall annual incidence rates of hospitalized sarcoidosis of
24.9 per 100,000 for African Americans and 3.5 for Caucasians (p < 0.0001).
Occupational associations were present in both races. The 23 cases among
African Americans on ships and the 12 aviation mechanics had twice the
expected incidence compared to all African Americans, while the 15 cases among
Caucasians had a similar incidence rate.
conclusions were:
A significant decrease in the incidence of sarcoidosis among African Americans
in the Navy.
Possibly, occupational relationships suggest that a dust- or moisture-related
lung disease was misclassified as sarcoidosis, or that sarcoidosis had an
unrecorded occupational component.32
is a very interesting article published by Schouten et al about the incidence
of sarcoidosis in rural areas, determining whether in such an environment, the
consumption of unpasteurized milk or untreated water increased the risk of
developing it. For this purpose, they investigated individuals aged 18 to 60
years diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis between 1999 and 2005, alongside
controls with another chronic respiratory disease. Evaluated by a specialist,
they completed a questionnaire about rural life, the use of untreated water,
and unpasteurized milk from birth until diagnosis, calculating exposures at
birth, at 5 years old, and until diagnosis.
analysis on 615 cases and 1334 controls revealed that consuming unpasteurized
milk seemed closely associated with sarcoidosis. It was considered to be
strongly related to raw milk at birth, and that risk persists for those who
drank unpasteurized milk until the age of 5 and for those who continued for
more than 16 years until diagnosis. When the reference integrated the asthma
subgroup, the association with sarcoidosis was stronger, but there was also an
association with other chronic respiratory diseases. Those whose family used
unpasteurized milk at birth and until the age of 5 increased the risk of
studies have suggested the etiology of silica and metals in the pathogenesis of
sarcoidosis, so Beijer et al investigated the exposure to these elements
through an occupational history related to the type of work exposure in 256
patients with sarcoidosis and 73 controls. Using the LPT, they determined the
immunoreactivity to aluminum, zirconium, silica, and Be in both groups.
sarcoidosis, 32.4% had occupational exposure to metals or silica, and in the
control group, it was 24.7% (p = 0.21). A higher percentage of sarcoidosis
showed immunoreactivity to metals or silica compared to the control group
(21.2% and 0%, respectively).
to silica and metals was only found in patients with sarcoidosis (p = 0.039).
When searching for causal agents in patients with sarcoidosis, not only Be but
also zirconium, aluminum, and silica deserve to be investigated.34
relationship between aluminum (Al) dust and pulmonary fibrosis/emphysema in
workers of manufacturing and processing industries is well established. This
publication presents the first case similar to sarcoidosis that is associated
with metal inhalation, identifying it through microanalysis of the biopsy, a
comprehensive occupational history, and experimental research. Due to the
unusual nature of the case, individual idiosyncrasy may play a role in the
development of non-caseous granulomas after exposure to Al.35
Similar cases are periodically
reported. De Vuyst et al reported the case of a chemical professional who
worked without protection for 8 years in an atmosphere containing Al dust. Lung
biopsies showed epithelioid granulomas similar to sarcoidosis, identifying Al
particles by mineralogical analysis. The Kveim reaction was negative for
sarcoidosis, but the LPT was positive for Al. Ceasing exposure resulted in the
remission of alveolitis, but radiology and lung function remained unchanged.36
publication by Redline refers to a sarcoidosis-like case in a worker who, over
the last 13 years, had been involved in supplying aluminum for furnaces for a
casting company and exposed to dust and metal vapors released in the production
of aluminum and zinc alloys.37
the case of Kawano-Dourado et al with symptoms similar to those of sarcoidosis
in a 22-year-old non-smoker, with normal radiology one year ago, who worked in
tunnel excavation and whose lymph node biopsy revealed the typical pattern of
non-caseous granulomas.38,
in dentistry is not harmless, either. Dentists’ and dental technicians’
activities are exposed to aerosols of inorganic substances and biological
material. The instruments used in surgical procedures produce intense heat and
generate fumes with biological material (even partially calcined). The splashes
and aerosols include microparticles, handpieces operated at high speed,
ultrasonic brushes, polishing of restorations, and the use of drills in metal
prostheses. During the polishing and whitening of natural teeth, sodium
bicarbonate and tricalcium phosphate compounds are sprayed onto the dental
surface, releasing part of the enamel and disseminating into the environment,
thus exposing patients and operators to the risk of aspiration.
2010, Checchi published an observation of sarcoidosis-like disease in a
dentist who manipulated dental cleaning material without protection for 25
years, with identification of tricalcium phosphate particles inside granulomas
obtained by biopsy.39
halogen lamp is an incandescent bulb with a tungsten filament in an inert gas
and a small amount of halogen, which consists of chlorine, iodine, bromine, or
fluorine bonded to a metal, improving its performance and lifespan.
et al published two cases of sarcoidosis-like disease in workers at a halogen
lamp manufacturing facility who had worked for 14 years in that place. The
workplace was dusty, due to the heating and cutting of lamps (which produce
dust with silica fused with cristobalite), and also due to the cleaning of
machinery. Birefringent particles were observed in pulmonary or mediastinal
lymph node biopsies. By isolating the workers from aggressive work, both
improved clinically, functionally, and radiologically.40
in view of the aforesaid, sarcoidosis should be considered a syndrome with
numerous probable etiological factors, to which both phenotype and individual
susceptibility to a specific noxious agent must be associated. Based on all
that has been stated, cases are periodically published in which the clinical
and histological picture of epithelioid non-caseating granuloma found in
biopsies is linked to a particular environmental and/or occupational risk.
is extensive literature on the subject, with the role of steroids in the
favorable evolution of the syndrome being known for many decades. The most
significant general guidelines have been summarized by the Task Force of the
European Respiratory Society (ERS) in their 2021 document. They provide
recommendations regarding therapeutic behaviors, namely:
Patients who are not treated but have significant pulmonary sarcoidosis,
who are at a higher risk of future mortality or permanent disability due to the
condition, are strongly recommended (with low-quality evidence) to
receive treatment based on glucocorticoids to improve and/or preserve FVC
(forced vital capacity) and quality of life (QoL).
For patients with manifest pulmonary sarcoidosis who are considered to be
at higher risk of mortality or permanent disability due to the condition, or
who have been treated with steroids and have either stable or progressive
disease and/ or unacceptable side effects from glucocorticoids, the ERS
Task Force recommends adding methotrexate to improve and/or preserve both FVC
and QoL (potentially, with very limited evidence quality).
A similar potential recommendation is made, upon equal sarcoidosis
evolution, regardless of whether the sarcoidosis is occupational or not, and if
steroids have not responded to other immunosuppressive agents, to use
infliximab. This is a chimeric murine-human IgG1 monoclonal antibody produced
in murine hybridoma cells using recombinant DNA technology, with the purpose
of preserving the QoL and FVC.
the etiology remains unknown, significant progress has been made since
Jonathan Hutchinson’s description in 1877 of “papillary psoriasis” as a
dermatological disease, to its current recognition as a multiorgan and complex
condition. The prevailing conjecture is that various unknown, imperceptibly
degradable antigens, possibly of environmental, occupational, or infectious
origin, could trigger an exaggerated immune reaction in genetically predisposed
hosts. It is suggested that when faced with a clinical presentation suggestive
of sarcoidosis, a thorough inquiry should be made regarding occupational
exposure to any of the agents described in this manuscript to establish a
despite numerous investigations using most current diagnostic methods, no unquestionable
cause of sarcoidosis has been demonstrated. Various reasons could explain the
difficulty in determining an etiology in such a context. In the first place, it
is unlikely to constitute a single syndrome with a single cause. Additionally,
the causative agent could be an unidentified bacterium, and the pathogenesis
of sarcoidosis may be due not only to unknown antigens but also to possibly
genetic idiosyncrasy. 40,41
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