Autor : Villalba, Darío1, Díaz-Ballve, Ladislao2, Scrigna, Mariana1, Collins, Jessica1, Matesa, Amelia1, Áreas, Laura1, Golfarini, Nicolás1, Gil-Rossetti, Gregorio1, Pini, Paula1, Pedace, Paula1, Tocalini, Pablo1, Pérez Calvo, Eliana1, Planells, Fernando1
1 Santa Catalina, Basilea branch, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina. 2Hospital Nacional Prof. Alejandro Posadas, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Correspondencia : Amelia Matesa. E-mail:
Background: An increase has been observed in the number of patients requiring specialized
care in mechanical ventilation weaning and rehabilitation centers (MVWRCs).
Methods: An observational study with propensity score analysis was conducted on a
13- year cohort of patients in a MVWRC in Argentina. Predictors of mortality
were analyzed.
Results: Mortality assessed using the inverse probability of treatment weighting
was associated with age [OR=1.037 (95% CI: 1.023-1.052), p<0.001], weaning
from mechanical ventilation (MV) [OR=0.398 (95% CI: 0.282-0.560), p<0.001], decannulation [OR=0.059 (95% CI: 0.038-0.091), p<0.001],
history of cardiovascular disease [OR=1.684 (95% CI: 1.146-2.474), p<0.001],
pneumonia in non-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (non-COPD) [OR=2.649
(95% CI: 1.631-4.302), p<0.001], and COPD [OR=0.477 (95% CI: 0.298-0.762),
Multiple logistic regression
analysis in the propensity score-matched sample indicated that weaning from MV
[OR=0.313 (95% CI: 0.137-0.715), p=0.006] and decannulation
[OR=0.057 (95% CI: 0.021-0.155), p=<0.001] remained associated with lower
mortality, whereas age [OR=1.056 (95% CI: 1.026-1.087), p=<0.001] remained
a predictor associated with higher mortality.
Conclusion: Mortality in patients requiring MV in a MVWRC was independently associated
with older age, failed weaning from MV, and non-decannulation.
It is very important to identify such predictors in order to plan attainable
treatment goals.
Key words: Critical Care, Assisted ventilation, Tracheostomy
Introducción: Se ha observado un aumento en el número de pacientes que requieren
ser derivados a centros de desvinculación de ventilación
mecánica y rehabilitación.
Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional con análisis por puntaje
de propensión en el que se analizaron los predictores de mortalidad en
una cohorte de trece años internados en un centro de
desvinculación de ventilación mecánica y
Resultados: La mortalidad analizada mediante ponderación por el inverso de la
probabilidad de tratamiento se asoció a edad [OR = 1,037 (IC95 %
1,023-1,052), p < 0,001], desvinculación de la ventilación
mecánica (VM) [OR = 0,398 (IC95 % 0,282-0,560), p < 0,001], decanulación [OR = 0,059 (IC95 % 0,038-0,091), p
< 0,001], antecedentes cardiovasculares [OR = 1,684 (IC95 % 1,146-2,474), p
< 0,001], neumonía en no en fermedad
pulmonar obstructiva crónica [OR = 2,649 (IC95 % 1,631-4,302), p <
0,001] y la presencia de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica [OR =
0,477 (IC95 %0,298- 0,762), p = 0,002] El análisis de regresión
logística múltiple de la muestra emparejada mantuvo la aso ciación entre la desvinculación de la
ventilación mecánica [OR = 0,313 (IC95 % 0,137- 0,715), p =
0,006] y la decanulación [OR = 0,057 (IC95 %
0,021-0,155), p ≤ 0,001] como variables asociadas a una menor mortalidad
y a la edad [OR = 1,056 (IC95 % 1,026-1,087), p ≤ 0,001] como predictora asociada a mayor mortalidad.
Conclusión: La mortalidad en pacientes con ventilación mecánica en un
centro de desvinculación de ventilación mecánica y
rehabilitación se asoció de manera independiente a una mayor
edad, imposibilidad para la desvinculación de la ventilación
mecánica y la no decanulación. Es
importante contar con dichos predictores para poder planificar objetivos de
tratamiento reales.
Palabras claves: Cuidados críticos, Ventilación asistida, Traqueostomía
Received: 04/11/2024
Accepted: 06/16/2024
In recent decades, greater
interest has been observed in patients with physical, psychological, and
cognitive sequelae who were discharged from the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation (PMV),
that is to say, using mechanical ventilation for more than 21 days, more than
6 hours a day.1 These
patients are often referred to as “chronic critical patients” due to their
clinical condition overlapping with a state of persistent inflammation and
high catabolism.2 Functional
dependence, the need for skilled care, and high mortality justify the
implementation of measures to try to improve clinical practice in order to
achieve the best possible outcomes in the shortest period of time.
In our country, this population
of patients discharged from the ICU can be treated in mechanical ventilation
weaning and rehabilitation centers (MVWRCs). It is difficult to compare outcome
descriptions, as there is a great diversity of admission and discharge
criteria in different countries. However, better percentages of mechanical ventilation
weaning and higher survival rates have been described in patients admitted to
MVWRCs compared to those who remained in the ICU.3-6
Identifying and recognizing
predictors of mortality in chronic critical patients would facilitate
decision-making for the patient, the physician, and the family. Advanced age,
number of comorbidities, the etiology of the acute respiratory failure, and
failed weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV) have been recognized in various
studies as predictors of mortality.1, 3-6 In our country, there is limited information
on the population of patients on PMV (prolonged mechanical ventilation).7, 8
The objective of this study was
to analyze the relationship between overall mortality and weaning in patients
on PMV in a MVWRC and to identify factors associated with mortality.
A retrospective observational
cohort study was conducted using propensity score analysis from January 2007
to December 2019 at Clínica Basilea, a privately funded mechanical ventilation weaning
and rehabilitation center with 60 beds located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The study included all patients
recorded in a database who were admitted during the study period and had signed
the consent for the use of anonymized data for
epidemiological research.
Exclusion criteria: patients
admitted to the MVWRC without a tracheostomy cannula, not requiring MV, with
missing data in their medical records, or those who were discharged from the
MVWRC for reasons other than death or medical discharge (i.e., patients
discharged because they were transferred to the ICU, by decision of the health
coverage, or the family).
The primary variable of analysis
was mortality during hospitalization at the MVWRC. Weaning from MV was
considered an independent variable.
The institution’s weaning
protocol stipulates that a patient on MV can begin a nocturnal spontaneous
ventilation (SV) test after having ventilated spontaneously for 12 hours during
the day, for the previous three days. Additionally, we used the definition
established at the 2005 consensus conference,1
where a patient is considered successfully weaned from MV after
being without it for seven consecutive days.9
Patients were considered “unweaned from
MV” if they required continuous or partial MV at the time of discharge from the
The following predictive
variables were collected: pre- ICU history (age, gender, medical history); ICU
admission data (reason for admission: medical, surgical, or polytrauma;
diagnosis at ICU admission; days in ICU; and days on MV in the ICU); MVWRC
hospitalization data (days on MV and days hospitalized in the MVWRC; decannulation; recannulation);
and reason for discharge (discharge to home or death).
Statistical analysis
A description of the complete
sample was performed. Continuous variables that assumed a normal distribution
were reported as mean and standard deviation (SD); otherwise, the median (Med)
and interquartile range (IQR) were used. Categorical variables are reported as
frequency and percentage. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the
distribution of the sample.
Baseline comparison of the cohort
Clinical and demographic
variables were compared between patients who achieved weaning and those who
failed. The Mann-Whitney test was used for numerical variables, while Pearson’s
Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate, were used for
categorical variables in the distribution of the double entry table.
Calculation of propensity score (PS), inverse probability of treatment
weighting, and PS matching
Given the observational,
uncontrolled nature of the study and the suspected differences between the
groups to be compared, a propensity score (PS) for weaning was calculated as
an independent variable. This aimed to minimize differences between weaned and
non-weaned patients and create comparable groups.
The PS was calculated using a
binary logistic regression model that included variables related to weaning
and mortality, namely: age, gender, successful decannulation,
recannulation, total days on MV in the ICU, total
days on MV in the MVWRC, total days of ICU hospitalization, total days of
hospitalization in the MVWRC, medical history (cardiological,
respiratory, neurological, metabolic, or oncological), and reason for admission
(medical, surgical, or polytrauma). The sample size
considered was 10 cases of the dependent variable per variable included in the
binary logistic regression model for the construction of the propensity score.
The PS should be considered as
the individual probability of each subject being weaned according to the predictive
variables. The PS was used in two ways: as inverse probability of treatment
weighting (IPTW) applied to the entire cohort, and outcomes between the weaned
and not-weaned groups were compared. The weight was defined as the inverse of
the propensity score for the exposed group (weaned) and the inverse of one
minus the propensity score for the unexposed group (not-weaned).10, 11
On the other hand, in order to
confirm the obtained result, a tolerance of 0.05 standard deviation of the logit of the PS was used without replacement to generate PS
matching through the radius method.
Multivariate analysis for mortality
A sensitivity analysis was
conducted on the sample both before and after matching to identify factors
related to the development of adverse events. To do that, a logistic
regression model with stepwise selection was used, using the maximum likelihood
method. The goodness of fit of both final predictive models was verified using
the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Additionally, the
discriminatory power was evaluated through the ROC (Receiver Operating
Characteristic) curve analysis. The area under the curve (AUC) was used to
determine the level of precision. The AUC ranges from 0 to 1; an AUC < 0.5
indicates that the model’s performance is worse than chance, while an AUC= 1
indicates perfect performance. AUC values > 0.7 and > 0.9 are considered
to represent acceptable and excellent performance, respectively.
Power analysis
A sample size of 421 subjects was
calculated, which were sufficient to detect a 17% difference in mortality
between the two exposure groups (weaned and unweaned),
based on previous publications, considering the lower limits of the confidence
intervals for mortality in this population according to the exposure factor
(46% in unweaned and 29% in unstable weaned
patients).12 The
parameters used for the sample size calculation were set at a 95% power to
detect differences between the two groups and a probability of type I error or
alpha of 5%.
Matching was performed using the
PS and statistical analysis with SPSS software, version 25 (SPSS, Chicago,
USA), and R Version 3.6.1 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,
Austria; available through For the
power calculation, G*power software was used, version (University of
Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany).13
A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Characteristics of the entire sample
During the study period, 1,103
patients were admitted. 76 patients were excluded due to missing data, 65 for
not having a tracheostomy, 280 for not requiring MV upon admission to the
MVWRC, and 5 for still being hospitalized at study closure (Figure 1). 223
patients who were discharged from the MVWRC for reasons other than death or
medical discharge were also excluded. 454 patients were analyzed. The median
age was 72 years (IQR 61-78); 55.1% were men. The median number of
hospitalization days in the ICU was 33 (IQR 25 - 45). 87% (395) of the patients
were admitted to the ICU for medical reasons, 11% (51) for surgical reasons,
and the remaining 2% (8) for polytrauma.
Baseline comparison of the entire cohort
The comparison of the entire
cohort between patients weaned and unweaned from MV
showed differences in the median age [56 years (45 - 70) versus 64 years (51 -
73); p=0.003]. With regard to the reasons for ICU admission, weaning was less
frequent among patients with exacerbated COPD and more frequent among patients
with stroke and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Unweaned patients had a median of 31.5 days on MV in the
MVWRC (IQR 13.5-38), and 61 total days including both ICU and MVWRC (IQR
61-94), compared to weaned patients who had a median of 14 days (IQR
13.5-63.2), and 49 days (IQR 37-76.5), respectively. Also, a higher proportion
of weaned patients achieved decannulation compared to
not weaned patients. Mortality in the MVWRC was significantly higher in the not
weaned group compared to the weaned group [70.9 vs. 27.5%; p<0.001] (Table
Mortality analysis of the entire cohort
Overall mortality was
independently associated with older age [OR=1.042 (95% CI: 1.023-1.062),
p<0.001] and a history of cardiovascular disease [OR=1.748 (95% CI:
1.035-2.951), p=0.037].
Conversely, the presence of a
history of respiratory disease [OR=0.588 (95% CI: 0.356-0.971), p=0.038],
mechanical ventilation weaning [OR=0.439 (95% CI: 0.247-0.777), p=0.005], and decannulation [OR=0.096 (95% CI: 0.051-0.178), p<0.001]
decreased the chances of death in our sample (Table 2).
Mortality analysis of the entire cohort by inverse probability of
treatment weighting (IPTW)
Mortality analyzed using IPTW
yielded results consistent with those observed in the initial unweighted cohort analysis. In addition to the previously
mentioned variables, the presence of pneumonia in non-COPD patients was added
as an independent factor for higher mortality. Besides the same factors as in
the unweighted model, lower mortality was associated
with MV weaning [OR=0.398 (95% CI: 0.282-0.560), p<0.001], tracheostomy decannulation [OR=0.059 (95% CI: 0.038-0.091), p<0.001],
and the presence of COPD instead of any respiratory history [OR=0.477 (95% CI:
0.298-0.762), p=0.002] (Table 3).
Mortality analysis of the matched sample using the propensity score (PS)
The probability of weaning before
and after matching by propensity score is shown in Figures 2A and 2B,
The performance of the PS in
matching weaned and unweaned patients and creating
comparable groups is illustrated in Figure 3. All variables included in the PS
exhibit a mean difference of less than 0.2.
The characteristics of the sample
after matching are detailed in Table 4.
The multiple logistic regression
analysis of the matched sample maintained the association between MV weaning
[OR=0.313 (95% CI: 0.137- 0.715), p=0.006] and tracheostomy decannulation
[OR=0.057 (95% CI: 0.021-0.155), p<0.001] as variables associated with lower
mortality and age [OR=1.056 (95% CI: 1.026-1.087), p<0.001] as a predictor
associated with higher mortality. (Table
No. 5)
In recent decades, there has been
a substantial increase in both the number of patients on prolonged mechanical
(PMV) and in mechanical ventilation weaning and rehabilitation centers (MVWRCs)
in our country. A variable number of patients achieve complete recovery and are
subsequently discharged, but there is also a significant group of patients who
do not succeed and die during hospitalization in the MVWRCs. 3-9 In Argentina, patients who
cannot be weaned from mechanical ventilation do not have access to institutions
for their hospitalization, nor is there home hospitalization available for
MV-dependent patients. As a result, they usually remain hospitalized until
their death.
Being able to predict which
patients have a higher or lower chance of being discharged could benefit both
the planning of patient recovery processes and family organization.
We have been able to analyze 13
years of follow-up data from our MVWRC database and apply the propensity
analysis in order to balance the groups of weaned and unweaned
patients, with a significant sample of patients. Three factors were related to
In all the models we used, age
remained an independent predictor associated with mortality. The older the age, the higher the
mortality. This finding aligns with
numerous published studies.1, 17,22
On the other hand,
achieving MV weaning and decannulation in the MVWRC
are protective factors against mortality. Considering the tracheostomy decannulation as a protective factor against mortality is
consistent with the findings of Scrigna et al (p =
0.0001, OR 7.51; CI: 2.77 – 20.38). In this study, 80% of the 44% of patients
who were decannulated were medically discharged,
while only 15% of patients in the non-decannulated
group were discharged. Additionally, follow-up after discharge showed that the median
survival among decannulated patients was 45 months
(CI: 15.1 to 75.1) compared to 11 months (CI: 2.1 to 19.6) for non-decannulated patients (p = 0.004).20
The study by Jubran et al found that one-year survival was 66.9% for
patients disconnected from MV and 16.4% for those still on MV, which is
consistent with our findings that MV weaning is a protective factor against
mortality.21 This
study followed a cohort of patients discharged from a weaning center for one
year and highlighted in its discussion that “instead of limiting (or abandoning)
weaning efforts based on the perception of a poor prognosis, physicians should
adopt a more aggressive approach and assess the patient’s performance in the
total absence of ventilator support, which facilitates early ventilator
discontinuation. This approach minimizes the risk of failing to identify
patients who can be separated from the ventilator.” All of this knowing that
patients who are successfully weaned off have a higher chance of being
discharged. This method of carrying out the weaning process is similar to the
protocol at our institution, where patients are tested during spontaneous
ventilation (SV) without MV support, based on prior work by the same group.23
It is not possible to
assert that the higher mortality observed in the group dependent on MV and
non-decannulation of the tracheostomy is solely
dependent on these two conditions. It may, perhaps, reflect an overall poorer
health status of the patients associated with worse prognosis and survival.
Patients who do not achieve MV weaning and tracheostomy decannulation
do not get medically discharged, thereby prolonging their stay in the MVWRC.
Some countries have
intermediate care centers or home hospitalization systems for patient referral
in cases where the patient doesn’t improve within a certain period,
facilitating the discharge of patients with artificial airways and need for MV.
This could be the reason why such centers report higher survival rates and
certainly do not attribute their mortality rates to weaning and decannulation failure.
Another reason
preventing the discharge of tracheostomized patients
is the inability to provide home support, depending on the geographic area
where they live and their family’s capacity to accommodate home
hospitalization. If this is the reason for prolonged hospitalization, it is
possible that mortality is more associated with the length of stay than with
the patient’s severity or instability.
Knowing the patient’s
probabilities based on their characteristics at admission to the MVWRC and
their progress there (success in MV weaning and decannulation)
allows for better decision-making and improving communication with the patient
and/or their family. This helps avoid creating false expectations and
prioritizes the best quality of life.
The main limitation
of this work is that it is a retrospective analysis, where only data obtained
from medical records were analyzed. However, including a propensity analysis
allowed for a balanced sample concerning the variable of MV weaning, leading to
a better analysis of mortality within the MVWRC. As the study was conducted in
a single institution, it also limits the extrapolation of the results.
This study showed
that mortality in patients requiring MV in a MVWRC was independently associated
with older age, failure to wean from MV, and non-decannulation.
It is vitally important to have these predictors in order to plan achievable
treatment goals in collaboration with the patient and their family.
Conflict of interest
None to declare
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