Autor : Romina Fernández1,2, Martín Sívori1,3
1 Department of Pneumophtisiology, University Center for Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires, Hospital General de Agudos Dr. J M Ramos Mejía, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2Head of Practical Assignments, UBA (University of Buenos Aires). Coordinator of the Pulmonology lecture. 3Certified teacher and Head of the University Center for Respiratory Medicine of the UBA. Course Director of Pulmonology.
Correspondencia : Romina Fernández. E-mail:
Experience of a virtual course of
pneumonology for Medical students at the University of Buenos Aires during the
COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic not only
affects people´s health: schools and universities around the world had to
forcibly adapt to a distance education modality. Knowing that the
epidemiological situation could continue for several months, the teachers of
our Unit, in charge of teaching Pneumonology, had to anticipate and devise a
contingency plan to ensure training continuity during 2020-21. The virtual
courses took place in four weeks. The classes were given in mp4 format and
virtual workshops. Once a week a virtual meeting was held to answer questions
related to the content. The students had to be divided into groups to solve
practical assignments and a final work with their defense at the end of the
course. In addition, they conducted a survey to evaluate the course. The final
exam was presential for the 2020 course and virtual for the 2021. All the
students who took the exam approved. The experience was enriching, different
and challenging. It allowed us to reflect and ask ourselves that the
traditional way of teaching can and should be complemented with the resources
that technology brings us. Although the total reopening of the University may
seem uncertain, this is the opportunity to better plan the way out of the
crisis and promote internal reflection on the renewal of the teaching and
learning model.
Key words: COVID-19, Teaching, Pneumonology, University, Virtual learning
La pandemia por COVID-19 no solo afecta la salud de las
personas: escuelas y universidades de todo el mundo debieron adaptarse de
forma forzosa a la modalidad de educación a distancia. Sabiendo que la situación
epidemiológica de la pandemia podía continuar por varios meses,
los docentes de nuestra Unidad, encargada de dictar la asignatura
Neumonología, debimos anticiparnos e idear un plan de contingencia para
asegurar la continuidad formativa durante el período 2020-21. Los cursos
virtuales se llevaron a cabo en cuatro semanas. Se dictaron clases en formato
mp4 y talleres virtuales. Una vez por semana se realizaba una reunión
virtual para responder preguntas relacionadas con el contenido. Los alumnos debieron
dividirse en grupos para resolver trabajos prácticos y un trabajo final
con su defensa al completar el curso. Además, realizaron una encuesta
para evaluar el curso. El examen final oral fue presencial para el curso 2020 y
virtual para el de 2021, y aprobaron todos los alumnos que se presentaron. La
experiencia fue enriquecedora, diferente y desafiante. Nos permitió
reflexionar y plantearnos que la forma de enseñanza tradicional puede y
debe complementarse con los recursos que la tecnología nos acerca.
Aunque el momento de la reapertura total de la Universidad pueda parecer
incierto, esta es la oportunidad para planificar mejor la salida de la crisis y
promover la reflexión interna sobre la renovación del modelo de
enseñanza y aprendizaje.
clave: COVID-19,
Enseñanza, Neumonología, Universidad, Educación virtual
Received: 09/15/2021
Accepted: 02/03/2022
The sanitary crisis has forced us to rapidly turn to virtual learning,
which implies joining efforts and reviewing the work done by each of our
institutions on open educational resources to make them available to the
different Ministries of Education and support the community of teachers in the
extremely important task of training their students on a long-distance basis.
Ulrike Wahl, Head of the Regional Office for Latin America of Siemmens
The SARS-CoV2 pandemic has
affected more than 362 million people and caused more than five and a half
million deaths around the world. In our country, more than eight million cases
have been confirmed, with more than one hundred and twenty thousand deaths2. But
the COVID-19 pandemic not only affects people’s health: schools and
universities all around the world shut their doors in 2020, affecting more than
one thousand five hundred million students from 191 countries3.
The Hospital General de Agudos
Dr. J M Ramos Mejía is associated with the University of Buenos Aires
(UBA) and teaches the subjects of the Clinical Cycle of the Career of Medicine.
Our Unit is in charge of teaching Pulmonology during the month of May every
academic year since 1997, and is the University Center for Respiratory Medicine
of the UBA since 2020.
As a consequence of the extension
of the social, preventive and mandatory distancing4, in April 2020, the Rector of the
University decided that course subjects had to be taught virtually5.
Having projected that the epidemiological situation of the pandemic could
continue for several months, we adapted the syllabus and planned different
teaching strategies in order to meet the objectives of the educational
program. But even though we can anticipate all evident obstacles, teaching
medicine virtually is not completely possible: the most important thing this
career can teach its students is patient contact, and this can’t be transmitted
through a screen.
Amid difficulties, in May 2020
and 2021, coincident with the highest workload period at the hospital, the
first two Pulmonology virtual courses were carried out, intended for students
of the Career of Medicine of the UBA.
The purpose of this manuscript is
to tell the first experiences of both teachers and students with the
Pulmonology subject taught virtually in our Teaching Hospital Unit (THU) for
students of the Career of Medicine of the UBA during the 2020-21 period.
We have one certified teacher,
two assigned teachers and two senior teaching assistants for teaching the
subject. During April 2020, the syllabus and methodology of the subject were
redesigned. The Google Classroom platform and Zoom program were chosen for
teacher-student interaction. Between March and April 2021, some of the methods
that had been used the previous year were modified. Four days a week, two
classes were published. The classes had been previously recorded by teachers in
mp4 audio-visual format and supplemented with bibliography. A total of
twenty-two classes were taught in 2020 with the most important parts of the
syllabus. In 2021, a class in hemoptysis was added. Every day, students could
ask questions through the platform, and also graphics and bibliography were
added when necessary. In addition, student participation in class was
encouraged by asking questions through the platform to generate a debate and exchange
of opinions.
Once a week, a virtual workshop
on radiology was held for students to start recognizing lesions and patterns.
In 2020, there were two Power Point presentations including the most frequent
patterns in radiology and chest tomography. In 2021, the workshop was
interactive: two Zoom meetings were scheduled, where teachers and students
discussed radiological techniques and radiological and tomographic patterns.
Practical, face-to-face classes in the pulmonary lab and endoscopy were replaced
by tutorial videos. Classes in the pulmonary lab focused on spirometry
interpretation. In 2021, a virtual interactive workshop was held about
spirometries, where the students were able to analyze studies and relate them
to the diseases they had studied.
Once a week, a virtual meeting
was held to answer questions related to the topics that had been addressed. In
order to encourage team work, the students were divided in groups to resolve
clinical cases. Finally, each team carried out a work on a specific topic for
which they had to do some bibliographic research and present the work virtually
at the end of the course. In 2020, the selected topics were: chronic cough,
viral pneumonia, inhalation therapy devices, hemoptysis and electronic
cigarettes. In 2021, the strategy changed: the students were given a clinical
case and were asked to organize a case conference and develop differential
diagnoses supported with bibliography, guided by a teacher assistant. The
clinical cases were about real patients: bilateral pneumonia in
immunocompromised patient, diffuse bronchiectasis, mediastinal mass, fungus
ball and pleural effusion.
Students were expected to submit
weekly practical assignments, and then a final work at the end of the course
in order to be considered as regular. Each student was graded basing on the
level of individual class participation through the platform and the delivered
assignments, in accordance with resolution No. 106/2020 of the Board of
Directors of the Faculty of Medicine6.
At the end of each course, the students were asked to answer a survey that
allowed us to evaluate ourselves.
In 2020, the final exam was
postponed according to the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Faculty
of Medicine7,
8, and students could be evaluated face-to-face in March
and April, 2021. In 2021, at the end of the course, students were evaluated
orally and virtually9.
Virtual courses were directed to
36 students in 2020 and 49 the following year. The proposed activities were
100% completed in both years: twenty-two classes in 2020 and twenty-three in
2021, two diagnostic imaging workshops, three weekly virtual meetings to answer
students’ inquiries, and one virtual workshop on spirometry in 2021. All the
groups submitted weekly practical assignments and also a final work presented
in a virtual meeting.
During the four weeks of each
course, interaction between teachers and students was observed daily. In 2020,
students made 143 comments and questions through the platform; all of them were
answered with bibliographic support. In 2021, there were 180 questions. Most
consultations took place during weekly virtual meetings that lasted an average
of one hour and a half each.
Course evaluation
The final survey of the course
was answered by 100% of the students (36/36) in 2020 and by 90% (44/49) in
2021. Answers to virtual course expectations were similar both in 2020 and
2021 (Figure 1). 16.5% of the students chose to create their own answers: “I
was scared I wouldn’t learn in the same way as in face-to-face classes”,
“Curiosity and excitement”, “Insecurity and doubts”, “I had already done two
virtual internships before without such an active participation of the
doctors, so I thought the class was going to be quite fruitless”.
They were required to rate from 1
(bad) to 10 (excellent) the different aspects of the course, including the
selection of Classroom and Zoom applications; the content of the classes; the
usefulness of practical assignments and the final work; the bibliography
provided to them and the quality of teachers’ responses. Each year’s responses
were different, so we distinguished each one of them (Table 1).
Regarding the fulfillment of the
proposed syllabus, 55.6% in 2020 versus 61.4% in 2021 said it was fulfilled
In the comment section of both
courses, we received very positive observations. Some criticisms of the first
course had to do with the number of practical assignments, which were useful
but too many, taking into account the duration of the course. They suggested
the imaging workshop should be more interactive. Regarding the application
used for weekly virtual meetings, they suggested other meetings without time
limit. However, they considered the meetings very useful to answer their
inquiries and suggested they were held more frequently. Many of these
criticisms were taken into consideration and were useful for the modifications
incorporated the following year.
Regularity and passing conditions
100% of the students obtained
regularity. In accordance with resolutions in force during the 2020 course,
two dates were established for the face-to-face oral final examination (March
and April 2021): 28 out of 36 regular students (77.8%) took the exam (9 the
first date and 19 the second). All who attended the exam passed, with an
average grade of 9 points (range: 6-10).
In 2021, the oral final exam was
virtual. 30 out of 49 students took the exam (61%) distributed in three consecutive days. All of them passed with an average
grade of 9 points (range 8-10).
This was our experience with the
virtual Pulmonology course, created a novo. Strong teacher-student
interaction was obtained with a high degree of satisfaction. Different virtual
platforms were used with online interaction (synchronous), questions were
answered during the day through the Classroom platform, and asynchronous activities
were generated with clinical case resolution and bibliography provision. All
students obtained regularity, and a high percentage of students took the final
Suspension of
face-to-face classes in our country has impacted on almost two million students
and more than a hundred and forty thousand university teachers10.
But closing the doors of the institutions of higher education not necessarily
means that academic activities have been suspended too. On the contrary, it
implies that universities must forcibly adapt to the modality of long-distance
education, and that teachers must do so without affecting quality and keeping
social inclusion11.
As teachers, this
experience has been enriching, different and challenging in many aspects: on
one hand, an epidemiological context without precedent, high healthcare demand
and little time to prepare; on the other hand, using virtuality as a method of
communication between teachers and students for the first time, using
technology as the main teaching tool and, concurrently, maintaining good
quality. We had to prioritize objectives, redefine content and use virtual
modalities that could allow us to forge a bond with our students, not just a
mere exchange of information11.
All the virtual scheduled
activities could be completed in both courses. The evaluation on the part of
the students was encouraging and positive, since everyone obtained their
regular condition for the subject and 100% of the students who took the oral
final exam, (face-to-face in 2020 and virtual in 2021) passed it.
We believe the
improved 2021 course grades may be due to the modifications made, which
improved the teacher-student interaction by including synchronous virtual
workshops, and the encouragement to analyze clinical cases and organize case
conferences, a learning tool widely used among residents.
Regarding teachers’
training to be prepared to face a virtual course, during October 2020, the
Faculty of Medical Sciences together with the Center for Innovation in Technology
and Pedagogy (CITEP), dependent on the Academic Affairs Secretary, and the
Teaching Association of the University of Buenos Aires (ADUBA) taught the free
online course “Design of a Teaching Proposal within a Virtual Environment”. The
objective was to provide the tools necessary to allow for the optimization of
the online medical science campus and advice on the organization and
development of long-distance courses, virtual classroom administration and the
design and use of virtual evaluations and exams12.
Our first particular experience, a course taught in May 2020, was self-taught,
guided by intuition and the vocation for teaching. Since 2021, the Faculty of
Medical Sciences recommends its teachers to use Google Classroom as their main
platform, the same that was used by our THU13.
To restructure and
transform a purely face-to-face subject into a virtual course allowed us to
reflect on how traditional teaching has to be supplemented with the current
technology. “Supplemented”, not “substituted”. William Osler commented: “in the
teaching method that we can call “natural”, the student starts with the
patient, continues with the patient, and ends his/ her studies with the patient
(…)”14. We shouldn’t
lose sight of the fact that contact with the patient is the cornerstone of
teaching medicine: during the clinical cycle the students start to venture into
the doctor-patient relationship, learn to interrogate, examine and write
medical records. For this subject in particular, practical teaching (in the
operating room, pulmonary lab, inpatient ward, pulmonary rehabilitation gym,
chest imaging workshops) is impossible to reproduce fully in a virtual manner.
Regardless of the
pandemic, having a virtual class archive, bibliographic material and pulmonary
clinical cases could be useful for certain situations where the student sees
the regularity of his/her career in danger (for example, surgeries with
prolonged postoperative time, immunocompromised patients or any unforeseeable
During both courses,
we observed that not all students knew how to do bibliographic research, so
they were taught the basic management of the PubMed page. Another limitation we
found was the poor proficiency with the English language and, to a lesser
extent, the use of virtual platforms. Surely these situations will trigger in
many of them future questions whether they need further training to complete
the career and subsequently exercise the profession.
The epidemiological
situation gives us the opportunity to promote thinking about the possibility
of renewing the teaching and learning model and allow these experiences to be
integrated to the academic syllabus with the purpose of enriching and
reinforcing it. The virtual modality has been successfully developed with another
subject, highly accepted by students and teachers, who believe this methodology
can be added into the syllabus in a virtual/face-to-face format15.
It is extremely
important that us, as teachers, are trained in the design and management of virtual
environments so as to integrate them to the traditional academic model. It is
necessary that the University ensures good teaching quality in order to provide
feedback on what has been done up to now16.
But we should also
consider the emotional needs of the students who are taking the Clinical Cycle
of the career and can’t go to hospitals or have contact with patients and
teachers. Many of the students’ comments at the end of the course were about
the discouragement and lack of motivation generated by virtuality, partially
rectified by the methodology we use. We believe it is of crucial importance
that the moment we organize a subject that will be taught in a virtual manner
we put ourselves in the students’ shoes and use tools that help them achieve
their final objective as future professionals.
To conclude, the
virtual method of teaching Pulmonology allowed for a high degree of
teacher-student interaction through the use of different synchronous and
asynchronous virtual platforms. All the students obtained regularity and most
of them took the final exam.
Our hospital was the
first to be associated with the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA more than 140
years ago. It is the environment where patient care, research, and teaching
interact permanently. During those weeks, the teachers of the Unit had to keep
a balance between the increasing patient care demand due to the pandemic and
the virtual method of teaching the course, interacting with the students
through a new technology. This exceptional situation we had to face was and
still is a challenge that left us much learning and training for the future of
our career as teachers and doctors.
To the students of
our THU, our engine to keep improving and growing as teachers.
To Dr. Marcelo Amato,
teacher coordinator of the hospital’s THU.
To Valeria
García, Secretary of the THU, the heart of the organization.
To the rest of our
teaching team: Dr. Daniel Pascansky, Ángeles Barth, Edgar
Velásquez, Mauro Zeolla, Juan Jiménez and Luciano Capelli.
Conflict of interest
Authors have no
conflict of interest to declare.
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