Autor : Bellon, Pablo Antonio1,2, Motti, MarÃa Victoria3, Carnero Echegaray, JoaquÃn1,4,5, Larocca Florencia1,6, Bosso Mauro Javier1,2,5
1Santa Catalina Neurorehabilitación ClÃnica, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina.
2Hospital General de Agudos Dr. I. Pirovano, CABA, Argentina.
3Hospital General de Agudos Carlos G. Durand, CABA, Argentina.
4Hospital General de Agudos José MarÃa Penna, CABA, Argentina.
5Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Humanas y de la Salud (CAECIHS), CABA, Argentina.
6Hospital Naval Cirujano Mayor Dr. Pedro Mallo, CABA, Argentina.
Correspondencia : Pablo Antonio Bellon. E-mail:
removal of the tracheostomy cannula is essential in chronic critically ill
patients. It is important to identify the variables that could prevent
compare the characteristics of patients who weren’t able to decannulate.
Secondly, to determine the variables associated with mortality.
and methods: Analytical,
retrospective, observational study. The study inÂcluded patients who received a
tracheostomy (TQT) between 2016 and 2019 and did not achieve decannulation.
Their characteristics were compared based on the reason for not decannulating,
using the Chi-Square/Kruskal-Wallis test. Probability of death was calculated
in our institution using logistic regression.
total of 286 patients were included, divided into 6 groups: Length of stay <
15 days (n=84; 29.4%), failure to wean from mechanical ventilation (MV) (n=69;
24.1%), blue dye test failure (BDTF) (n=60; 21%), upper airway (UAW) injury
> 50% (n=27; 9.4%), intolerance to tracheostomy tube occlusion (TTO) (n=26;
9.1%), and poor secretion management (n=20; 7%).
who were not weaned from MV had a higher prevalence of respiratory history
(p=0.004) and lower hemoglobin, and maximal inspiratory and expiratory
pressures (p=0.02, p<0.001, and p=0.004, respectively). Those with UAW
injury > 50% had a prolonged hospitalization (164 days, IQR [interquartile
range] 64.5-417; p=0.01). No differences were found regarding the referral to
higher-level care centers or discharge between the groups.
over 70 years old (OR 2.53 [1.43-4.48]), having a length of stay > 91 days (OR
1.91 [1.004-3.63]), non-decannulation due to BDT (blue dye test) failure (OR
2.64 [1.17-5.97]), and failure to wean from MV (OR 2.90 [1.29-6.56]) were all
independent variables associated with mortality.
reasons for non-decannulation seem to reflect a particularly critical
population, whether acutely (length of stay < 15 days) or chronically
(failure to wean from MV or BDT failure).
words: Decannulation,
Tracheostomy, Rehabilitation, Critically ill patients, Weaning center
remoción de la cánula de traqueostomía (TQT) es esencial
en paÂcientes crítico-crónicos. Resulta importante reconocer las
variables que impedirían la decanulación.
las características de los pacientes que no lograron decanularse.
Secundariamente, determinar variables asociadas a mortalidad.
y Métodos: Estudio
observacional, analítico, retrospectivo. Incluyó pacientes que
ingresaron TQT entre 2016 y 2019 y no lograron decanularse. Se compararon sus
características según el motivo de no decanulación,
mediante test chi-cuadrado/kuskal-wallis. Se analizó con
regresión logística la posibilidad de muerte en nuestra
incluyeron 286 pacientes, divididos en 6 grupos: Estadía < 15
días (n=84; 29.4%), no desvinculación ventilación
mecánica (VM) (n=69; 24.1%), falla blue test (BT) (n=60; 21%),
lesión vía aérea superior (VAS) > 50% (n=27; 9.4%), no
tolerancia oclusión TQT (n=26; 9.1%) y mal manejo de secreciones (n=20;
que no se desvincularon de VM presentaron mayor prevalencia de antecedenÂtes
respiratorios (p=0.004), y menor hemoglobina, presión inspiratoria y
espiratorias máximas (p=0.02, p<0.001 y p=0.004, respectivamente).
Aquellos con lesión de VAS > 50% presentaron internación
prolongada (164 días, RIQ 64.5-417; p=0.01). No se encontraron
diferencias en derivación a centros de mayor complejidad y alta entre
los grupos.
mayor de 70 años [OR 2.53 (1.43-4.48)], presentar estadía > 91
días [OR 1.91 (1.004-3.63)], no decanulación por falla BDT [OR
2.64 (1.17-5.97)] y no desvinculación VM [OR 2.90 (1.29-6.56)] fueron
variables independientes de mortalidad.
motivos de no decanulación parecieran reflejar una población espeÂcialmente
crítica, ya sea de manera aguda (estadía < 15 días) o
crónica (falla desvinÂculación VM o BDT).
claves: Decanulación,
Traqueostomía, Rehabilitación, Paciente
crítico-crónico, Centro de rehabilitación
Received: 12/12/2023
Accepted: 4/26/2024
tracheostomy (TQT) is one of the most comÂmonly performed procedures in the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in patients with prolonged invasive mechanical
ventilation (PMV),1,2 which is
defined as the requirement of mechanical ventilatory asÂsistance (MVA) for more
than 21 days with at least 6 hours of use per day.3
It is performed in 34% of patients requiring invasive MVA for
more than 48 hours.4 It is also
indicated for poor secretion management, upper airway disorders, and extubaÂtion
failure.5 The presence of
TQT, as well as PMV, causes these patients to be considered chronically
critically ill due to the persistent inflammatory process and organ failure
they experience.6
removal of the TQT cannula is an essential step in the rehabilitation of
patients recovering from a critical illness. It is imperative to prioritize
this procedure, as its success could prevent proÂlonged stays in healthcare
institutions, reducing mortality, facilitating discharge, and ultimately
improving the quality of life for these patients. It is important to note that
delays in decannulaÂtion also increase healthcare costs for the reasons
mentioned above.7-10
are different approaches and strategies for decannulating a patient, according
to the pubÂlished literature.5 Considering
that the prolonged use of TQT should be avoided due to various complications,
such as bronchorrhea, excessive coughing, respiratory infections, and injuries
like tracheomalacia, stenosis, tracheoesophageal fistulas, and granulomas,
along with functional impairments in swallowing and phonation,9,11-14 it is crucial to accurately identify the
variables that could prevent a patient’s decannulation.
published studies agree on the best indicators for successful tracheostomy
cannula removal.6,15,16 The controversy
arises when these indicators are not favorable for various reasons, making
decannulation impossible. For all the reasons mentioned above, our objective
was to compare the clinical and demographic characterÂistics of patients who
could not be decannulated in our institution based on the reason why the TQT
cannula could not be successfully removed. Secondarily, we aimed to determine
if there are non-decannulation variables associated with morÂtality in a
mechanical ventilation weaning and reÂhabilitation center (MVWRC) in the
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA).
observational, analytical, cross-sectional, and retrosÂpective study was conducted
between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2019, at Santa Catalina NeurorehaÂbilitación
Clínica, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
institution is a MVWRC where all our patients have been referred from acute
care centers. We have four faciliÂties that admit patients who are
tracheostomized and those receiving MVA, with a maximum capacity of
approximately 80 beds at each site. Annually, we receive an average of 145
tracheostomized patients, of whom approximately 40% are admitted with MVA.
study included patients over 18 years old who were tracheostomized when they
were admitted and were unable to be decannulated at the time of discharge,
referral to a higher complexity center, or death, or after a minimum of 365
days of hospitalization at our institution.
with missing data in the outcome variables for statistical analysis and those
who had their tracheostomy removed to place a Montgomery prosthesis were
study was approved by the institution’s Research and Ethics Committee. Due to
the retrospective nature of the study and the fact that the information was
obtained from medical records while safeguarding the patients’ personal
identification data, informed consent was not required.
information was collected from secondary sources such as the patients’ medical records and the general database created by the
respiratory kinesiology department of the institution. Personal data of the
patients were not included; instead, they were coded using sequential numbers
based on the date of their admission.
primary objective of our study was to compare the clinical-demographic
characteristics of patients who were not successfully decannulated at our
institution, basing on the reason for which the TQT cannula could not be
successfully removed. To evaluate the possibility of decanÂnulation, we applied
the corresponding protocol used at our institution (Figure I).
exclusive and exhaustive groups were formed based on the reason for
• Brief stay (BS): Patients who remained
hospitalized in our institution for less than 15 days and for whom our
protocols for achieving decannulation could not be applied.
• Failure to wean from
mechanical ventilatory asÂsistance (FWMVA): Patients who could not
be weaned from invasive MVA during their stay in our institution and,
therefore, could not be decannulated.
• Blue dye test failure (BDTF): Patients who tolerated the deflation of the endotracheal cuff and occlusion of the TQT cannula, either with a cap or a speaking valve, but had a positive final Blue Dye Test (BDT).
• Airway injury (AWI): Patients who did not
tolerate the deflation of the endotracheal cuff and occlusion of the TQT
cannula, and in whom the fibrobronchoscopy (FBC) revealed an injury that
reduced the diameter of the larynx and/or trachea by more than 50%.
• No-tolerance to TQT
occlusion (NTO): Patients
who did not tolerate the deflation of the endotracheal cuff and occlusion of
the TQT cannula, and in whom the FBC did not reveal any injury that reduced the
diameter of the larynx and/or trachea by more than 30%.
• Poor secretion
management (PSM): Patients who iniÂtially tolerated the deflation of the
endotracheal cuff and occlusion of the TQT cannula but could not be
decannulated due to an increase in the number of secretions or because they
required three or more daily aspirations through the TQT.
clinical-demographic variables to be compared were divided into three groups:
• Variables prior to admission to the
MVWRC: sex,
age, medical history (respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, and
toxic-metabolic), type of airway (natural or TQT), independence (independent,
semi-independent, or bedridden), previous ICU admissions, previous admissions
to MVWRCs, diagnosis upon ICU admission, days with endotracheal tube (ETT),
days with MVA at the ICU, and days of hospitalizaÂtion at the ICU.
• Variables upon
admission to the MVWRC: albumin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH),
hemoglobin, maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure
(MEP), chronic alteration of consciousness (evaluated with the Coma Recovery
need for MVA.
• Variables at discharge
from the MVWRC: days
of hosÂpitalization at the MVWRC, discharge condition.
a secondary objective, we evaluated possible explaÂnatory variables for
mortality in our cohort of patients. Some of the variables included: sex, age
over 70 years (an independent predictor of non-decannulation according to
Díaz Ballve et al7), medical history (respiratory, cardiologiÂcal,
neurological, and toxic-metabolic), TQT prior to ICU admission, previous ICU
admissions, previous admissions to MVWRCs, admission to MVWRC with chronic
alteration of consciousness, admission to MVWRC with MVA, weaÂning from MVA in
a MVWRC, decannulation failure and recannulation in a MVWRC, length of stay in
a MVWRC (categorized according to days of hospitalization: less than 7, between
8 and 15, between 16 and 30, between 31 and 90, and more than 91 days), and
reason for non-decannulation.
Statistical analysis
variables were described as mean and standard deviation or median (Mn) and interquartile
range (IQR), as appropriate, based on the Lilliefors normality test (for the
overall sample) or the Shapiro-Wilk test (for each group). Categorical
variables were reported as frequency and perÂcentage. The comparison between
the different groups was made using the Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous
variables and the Chi-square test for categorical variables. When the tests
were significant, a post-hoc analysis was conducted to identify which groups
showed significant differences betÂween them, using the Mann-Whitney test with
correction of significance (for continuous variables) or the column proportions
comparison test using the Holm-Bonferroni method (for categorical variables).
analyze the presence of explanatory factors of mortaÂlity in our patient
cohort, a simple binary logistic regression analysis was first performed on the
previously mentioned variables. Secondly, a multiple binary logistic regression
analysis was conducted to identify factors independently associated with
mortality, focusing on those variables that could be explanatory factors and
also had a p-value < 0.1 in the univariate analysis. The calibration and
discrimination of the model were evaluated using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test and
the analysis of the area under the curve (AUC).
January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2019, 580 patients with tracheostomies (TQT)
were admitted to the institution, of whom 51.2% could not be decannulated
(Figure 2).
study sample consisted of 286 patients.
cohort of non-decannulated patients had an average age of 64.3 +/- 18.3 years,
with the majorÂity being male (63.2%). 15% already had a TQT before their
admission to the ICU, and approxiÂmately half of the patients had previously
required intensive care admissions. 50.7% of the patients were admitted with
invasive MVA, of whom only 30.3% were successfully weaned at our institution.
The clinical and demographic characteristics are shown in Table 1.
11.2% of non-decannulated patients were successfully discharged from the
institution. The mortality rate in our patient cohort was 26.2%.
primary reason for non-decannulation was BS (n = 84), followed by failure to
wean from mechanical ventilatory assistance (FWMVA, n = 69). Patients who were
not successfully weaned had a higher prevalence of respiratory history (FWMVA
49.3% vs. BDTF 21.7%, BS 26.2%, AWI 25.9%, NTO 26.9%, and PSM 40%; p = 0.01)
and were more likely to have been admitted to the ICU for chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) (FWMVA 8.7% vs. BDTF 1.7%, BS 0%, AWI 3.7%, NTO 0%,
and PSM 5%; p = 0.046). Additionally, they had the lowest values of MIP (FWMVA,
Mn 35.5 cm H2O
vs. BDTF, Mn 66.5 cm H2O;
BS, Mn 60 cm H2O;
AWI, Mn 68 cm H2O;
NTO, Mn 60 cm H2O;
p < 0.001) and lower MEP (FWMVA, Mn 37 cm H2O) compared to BDTF and BS (Mn 45 cm H2O each; p
= 0.004) (Table 2).
who could not be decannulated due to AWI had a longer stay in our institution
(AWI Mn 164 days vs. FWMVA Mn 59 days, BDTF Mn 118 days, NTO Mn 55.5 days, PSM
Mn 52.5 days; p = 0.01). The most common injury observed in fiberoptic
bronchoscopy (FBC) was granulomas (36.8%), and the most frequent location was
subÂglottic (41.3%) (Table 3).
the other hand, patients who stayed less than 15 days had a higher rate of
referrals to acute care centers (p = 0.005) but a lower mortality rate in the
MVWRC (p = 0.003).
binary logistic regression analysis, both simple and multiple, to identify
explanatory facÂtors for mortality in our patient cohort can be seen in Tables
4 and 5, respectively. The explanatory variables independently associated with
mortalÂity included: being over 70 years old (OR 2.53, 95% CI 1.43-4.48), a
stay longer than 91 days (OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.003-3.63), and non-decannulation
reasons such as BDTF (OR 2.64, 95% CI 1.17- 5.97) and FWMVA (OR 2.90, 95% CI
1.29-6.56). The calibration and discrimination of the logistic regression model
were moderate, with a Hosmer- Lemeshow statistics of 10.33 (p = 0.24) and an
area under the curve (AUC) of 0.71 (95% CI 0.64-0.78).
the results, it is interesting to highÂlight the issue of determining whether
patients are harmed by not achieving decannulation or if their critical
condition upon admission is the main marker for an unfavorable rehabilitation.
the FWMVA group, Sansone et al observed that the progressive increase in the
duraÂtion of mechanical ventilation had an insignificant effect on weaning
success or long-term survival, but it did have a harmful and counterproductive
effect on the decannulation rate, increasing the length of hospital stay.18 In line
with this, several authors have demonstrated that PMV contributes to TQT
removal failure due to various factors. These studies were conducted in
heterogeneous populations, which further strengthens this concept.19-21 In our
analysis, patients who were not weaned from MVA and therefore were not decanÂnulated
showed a higher prevalence of respiratory history, and their reason for ICU
admission was acute exacerbation of COPD.
second group with significant results included those with AWI detected in the
FBC, with obstruction exceeding 50% of the airway diameter. The presence of the
injury can be evidenced at the subglottic level (as a compliÂcation of
percutaneous tracheostomy), at the stoma level (due to infectious processes), or
at the infra-stoma level (due to poor management of the cuff and improper
distal positioning of the cannula).22 The onset of
clinical signs and symptoms depends on both the degree of obstrucÂtion and the
airflow rate. Initially, the patient could be asymptomatic at rest and
experience clinical worsening with exercise as ventilatory flows increase.
However, when an obstruction becomes symptomatic at rest, it is likely that the
airway diameter has been reduced by at least 75%, leaving a lumen no greater than
5 mm.23 According to
Law et al, tracheal stenosis occurs to some extent at the stoma level in all
patients who have been decannulated. While it is present in 3% to 12% of
patients with a tracheostomy, it could prevent decannulation due to its
difficult surgical resolution or potential progression, especially in cases
where it occludes more than 50% of the tracheal lumen.24
Our results associÂate patients with AWI > 50% with the
longest hospital stays among the six groups. However, we cannot determine whether
the injury itself is the cause of the extended stay or if the longer the
duration of the tracheostomy, the higher the likelihood of severe airway
In the rest of our cohort, other factors with lower prevalence
were found as reasons for non-decannulation.
Tolerance to occlusion is one of the most imÂportant predictors
when considering the removal of the artificial airway and is generally the
startÂing point for most decannulation protocols.16 It is important to note that while
tolerance to TQT occlusion does not solely depend on airway perÂmeability,
several authors have identified it as a success variable for successful
decannulation. Enrichi et al found that when and adequate airway permeability,
assessed via endoscopy, is combined with a positive TQT occlusion test, the
sensitivÂity for successful decannulation is 94.1%, and the specificity is
Conversely, Hernández et al suggest that the ability to
tolerate the occluÂsion cap has both low sensitivity and specificity, as some
patients who cannot tolerate the cap are decannulated successfully, while the
majority of patients are decannulated without using the cap. Therefore, they
propose that their criteria for cap failure might seem excessively
conservative.20 In the studied population, 26
patients weren’t able to tolerate the TQT occlusion due to functional factors
inherent to the procedure, despite the fact that they didn’t show airway
injuries in the FBC.
Regarding the poor secretion management, Choate et al found that
secretion retention and the inability to eliminate it were the main comÂplications
leading to decannulation failure. Their study showed that 4.8% (39 out of 823
patients) experienced decannulation failure, with 60% of these cases failing
due to poor secretion manageÂment.26 Additionally, Hernández
et al observed that for a patient to be decannulated, the number of secretion
aspirations should not exceed two per day, with a minimum interval of 8 hours
between each, and the quality of the secretions should also be considered.20
Other studies also highlight the importance of secretion
management during decannulation.27,28 In our analysis, less than 10%
of patients could not be decannulated for this reason, suggesting it may not be
a significant factor.
The cohort of patients with a hospital stay of less than 15 days
were considered as subjects who interrupted the decannulation protocol, either
due to their need to be transferred to more complex care centers or because of
death. Our protocol requires more than 15 days, taking into account the 72
hours needed to start the protocol, the day we conduct the BDT itself, and the
days from the BDT to decannulation. On average, the period from BDT to
decannulation in our institution is 13 days (ranging from 8 to 27), primarily
reflectÂing the waiting time until the FBC is performed.29
In 2012, Carmona et al conducted a review on dysphagia associated
with artificial airways (AAWs). The author listed multiple causes of dysphagia
related to the use of TQT, focusing on oropharyngeal dysphagia, and developed
an algoÂrithm for its treatment. For patients with no susÂpicion of dysphagia,
the approach included the use of methylene blue dye (noting its low
specificity) and listed multiple adjuvant strategies to address this complex
issue with the aim of helping the paÂtient progress.30 Similarly, Ceriana et al
designed a flowchart for achieving decannulation, which included several
initial parameters, one of which was the evaluation of swallowing by means of
the BDT.2
Stelfox conducted a survey in specialized centers for the care of
tracheostomized patients in different countries.9,32 When asked about the importance
of evaluating the patient’s swallowing, most respondents considered it to be of
moderate necessity before decannulation, not a priority. Some experts4
don’t recommend the evaluation of swallowing in the decannulation
process, while others only mention the need for a competent upper airway.29
There is no clear consensus in the literature regarding the use
of the BDT, but it is evident that the authors who incorporate this evaluation
in their protocols emphasize it as a preÂdictor of successful decannulation.
What stood out in our results was to find that the BDTF emerged as an
independent predictor of mortality in the multivariate analysis. This could be
attributed to the fact that the group of patients who fail the BDT and,
consequently, cannot be decannulated, might have a poor prognosis due to their
worse overall condition or a higher number of comorbidiÂties. This would imply
that the critical condition of the patient is the cause of increased mortality,
rather than the mere use of a tracheostomy. In line with this, Distéfano
et al proposed in 2018 that patients with a more severe illness are less likely
to be decannulated and simultaneously have a higher baseline mortality rate.
Furthermore, mortality may act as a competing event, preventÂing decannulation.33
The other independent mortality predictors that add to the BDTF
(age over 70 years, failure to wean from MVA, and hospital stay of more than 91
days) would further support our hypothesis, which emerges from the statistical
analysis and aligns with several aspects of the published literature. In a
multicenter study conducted in Argentina on patients
who underwent tracheostomy in 31 ICUs and 5 MVWRCs, Díaz Ballve et al
found that mortality was higher in patients who could not be decannulated. They
discovered that at 90 days, only 64.5% of these patients were still alive,
whereas 94.1% of those who successfully had the tracheosÂtomy cannula removed
were still alive.7 Following this same line of
analysis, Pasqua et al observed that individuals who had a TQT for less than 10
weeks were six times more likely to be decannulated than those who remained
tracheostomized for a longer period.10 Another interesting result from
a survey conducted by Marchese et al in 2010 was that the TQT was maintained in
a substantial proportion of patients without the need for PMV; in this group,
95% of the patients had comorbidities or were over 70 years old, or both.27
for the limitations of our study, we can menÂtion the lack of follow-up on
patients who were transferred to higher-level care centers, as they might have
been decannulated later. Secondly, due to the fact that our study was
retrospective, some patients were lost due to missing data in their medical
records or in our database, though the impact of these missing cases on the
final sample was minimal. Lastly, some studies suggest that the technique used
to perform the tracheostomy (surgical or percutaneous) could influence
decannulation outcomes.34 We were unable to obtain this
information retrospectively so as to assess its impact within the analysis.
the influence of this factor is ofÂten based on the notion that surgical tracheÂostomy
has a higher incidence of airway injuÂries,34,35 which was indeed analyzed in our
main reasons for non-decannulation were a less-than-15 days length of stay in our
institution and the inability to wean from mechanical ventiÂlation assistance.
Both factors seem to reflect a particularly critical population-either acutely
(for not being fit to remain in a MVWRC and requiring immediate transfer to
higher-level care centers) or chronically (for being unable to be weaned from
MVA and having higher mortality rates in our institution).
patients over 70 years old who remained hospitalized for more than 3 months,
and those who could not be decannulated because they were still receiving MVA
or failed the BDT showed a higher probability of dying in our instituÂtion.
This suggests that mortality is not due to the presence of the TQT per se but
rather to a chronic critical condition that makes these patients more
of interest
have no external sources of funding or conflicts of interest to declare.
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